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VKOZ projectmanager Laura Maaskant

Let’s introduce: Laura Maaskant – Projectmanager events at VKOZ

I like substantively strong events – that gives me satisfaction

“I have been working as a Project Manager Events at VKOZ since 2024. I like to be in control and get things done. The responsibility for a project gives me energy, especially when it serves a social purpose. That gives me real satisfaction.

During my Communication studies at The Hague University of Applied Sciences, I discovered that I find the strategy behind events interesting, but I often missed the execution. At VKOZ, I am involved from start to finish.

As an event manager, you have to be able to take the lead, communicate well, organize and switch quickly. You also have to be social and creative. I like to come up with creative solutions.

That is why I prefer to work on events with strong content that are well thought out, such as an event for the RIEC with an interactive program. I want people to look forward to a conference and not think: ‘Oh, I have to go for my job.’

At home, I am also the one who organizes everything: from baby showers to Christmas dinners. I think of all the details. One day I would like to organize a wedding for a family member. It’s the day of someone’s life, and I would do it big.

Fun fact: my long nails always have to be perfectly painted. Handy for my sport: boxing 😉

Collaborate? Nice.
Laura Maaskant

Let’s connect!
Laura Maaskant | LinkedIn

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Hoe organiseer je een duurzaam event?

How to organize a sustainable event?

Organizing an event in a sustainable way creates a lot of positivity. Participants and stakeholders who value corporate social responsibility will become interested when you separate yourself in this way. But how do you organize such a sustainable event? Because there is more to it than just recycling your waste.

To create a positive impact, take social, ecological and economic aspects into account. To reduce the negative environmental impact, you can reduce your carbon footprint by, for example, using renewable energy sources, selecting sustainable suppliers and implementing eco-friendly practices during the event.

From sustainable to circular
You can also delve into organizing a circular event, where you minimize waste and maximize the use of reusable materials. For example, think of separating different waste streams and encouraging reuse and recycling. This involves choosing suppliers who supply sustainable products.

Choosing an event location
You can take many sustainability aspects into account when choosing a location. For example, consider accessibility: a location close to a train or metro station encourages visitors to come by public transport. Even better is a location that visitors can cycle or walk to. In that case, also provide a bicycle shed. It is important to communicate the route and location of the bicycle shed well, to prevent counterarguments to come by bike. You can also suggest carpooling or using shuttle buses.

Choose a location that collaborates with sustainable partners, for example in technology or catering. Also, a location that uses energy-efficient lighting and saves water is a sustainable option to choose. There are locations with a green certification. These locations have demonstrated that they plan, manage and execute events in a sustainable way. An example of this is verification LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).

Reduce waste
Catering is a major part of making your event more sustainable. By minimizing waste and donating leftover food to charity, you contribute to the sustainability of your event. You can also choose a local location, which will limit transportation and allow you to choose local and organic products. Also encourage guests to separate waste. Provide sufficient waste bins and consider the option of using reusable tableware and cutlery.

Of course, an event isn’t complete without beautifull and oppropiate decorations. Do you know… that you can also take sustainability into account here? You can choose for recycled paper and biodegradable materials, such as eco-balloons!

Digital possibilities
Cliche, but very important: reduce paper usage. Make use of an event app. We have also managed to convince our regular customer CIS of this. For the first time in 2017 for their annual Forum; that year in Edinburgh. With over 800 visitors we have managed to reduce the amount of waste. Be open about the sustainable measures that are being taken. Then the participants know how they can contribute. This helps to raise awareness. After the event, don’t forget to make the impact of your sustainable initiatives known. This can only be positive for the image of your company or event!

Corporate Social Responsibility
Nowadays, corporate social responsibility is also becoming increasingly important. You can contribute to this by donating part of the proceeds of the event to a sustainable initiative.

With these most important components, you ensure a sustainable event. It takes some (thought) work, but it is definitely worth it. There are also various checklists that help you make your event even more sustainable. Every choice for a sustainable option makes a big impact.

Want to know more about organizing a sustainable event or would you like other tips for organizing an event? VKOZ events & communications is happy to think along with you. Call 010-2107961 or send an email with your question to

Source: and


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Event manager English

The added value of an event manager

By organizing an event you are responsible for the organization of the event and you work on the production. No sooner said than done, right? This is just the tip of the iceberg of what an event manager does. An event manager is ultimately responsible for all tasks. Do you know what an event manager can do for you, besides organizing your event?

Are you unsure whether to organize an event yourself or outsource the organization? Read this blog where we compare the advantages and disadvantages for you. When you decide to outsource the event to an event manager, it is important to know the added value of this. 

The tasks of an event manager

During the organization of an event, the event manager has to keep various aspects in mind. All of the responsibilities regarding the preparations: such as the program, catering, promotion, safety, marketing and venue. In addition, an event manager thinks out of the box for the best creative ideas (everything is possible!), is flexible and has strong social skills. But most importantly: to relieve you as a customer. An event manager is responsible for as many as tasks as possible and you would like. It is optimal to engage an event manager at least three months before your event. Preferably earlier, so there is enough time to brainstorm and have objectives in order.

And then the time has come: the day(s) of the event. During the execution, the event manager checks by means of a walk-through whether all preparations are carried out properly. During the event, the event manager guides everything in the right direction and ensures that the participants enjoy themselves optimally. After your event, you can receive feedback in various ways to test whether you have achieved your objectives. Read our blog with 4 ways in which you can ask for feedback from your participants.

Your strategic partner

In addition to preparing and executing an event, an event manager also solves problems, has an eye for detail and is always up to date with the latest trends. It is important to surprise people and deliver quality.All this in collaboration as a strategic partner with you as a customer. VKOZ is distinctive and does this with its years of experience, eye for detail, transparency and a broad network. We measure the achieved results using the ROI pyramid. You can find more information about the ROI pyramid in this blog.

Are we your strategic partner?

Want to know more or would you like other tips for organizing an event? VKOZ events & communications is happy to think along with you. Call 010-2107961 or send an email with your question to

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ROI English

7 steps to calculate the ROI of your event

An event is a powerful tool to convey your communication message. But organizing a successful event is also a major investment: how do you make your event profitable? To achieve this, it is important to work from one or more objectives and then measure them to ultimately calculate your Return on Investment (ROI). You do this with these 7 steps.

Step 1: Determine your goal
At the end of the day, your event should yield a plus. You should ask yourself the following questions: what is the problem or opportunity that I want to achieve with this event? What activities are needed to achieve the objective and how does it fit into our marketing mix? Objectives can be:

  • sharing knowledge or information
  • improving internal or external relations
  • motivating or rewarding
  • improving brand awareness or image building
  • profit motive or fundraising

          DON’T: Organizing an event without an objective. That is wasted money.

Step 2: Determine what the desired effect is for your guests

What should your guests do after the event? The real value of an event lies in the actions your visitors will take after the event, or even during your event. Even the behavior before an event can be influenced, just think of an incentive. It is not enough that they only think or feel, it is also about doing. The question that will help you with this is: Why aren’t they doing that already?

Step 3: Determine what the learning experience at the event should be

How are your guests going to do what you described in step 2? Effective learning is learning through experiences, with all five senses that need to be stimulated. What do they need to learn/experience at the event to change their behavior? At the event you will receive information, but if this is live, your guest will experience this with other guests, which creates trust. You change the attitude of the visitor towards your brand with a learning experience.

Step 4: Create an environment where your guest can learn through experience

The learning experience of a live event cannot be separated from the environment in which it has to take place. Research shows that elements such as light, music, color and catering influence learning during an experience such as an event. For example, it has been shown that the concept and the decoration of a presentation have more impact than the actual content. In short, ensure a learning environment with impact.

          DO: Inspire, create, innovate and profit. Develop a surprising, varied and interactive program for your online event to achieve the greatest possible

Step 5: Measure satisfaction and planned actions

After the event, it’s time to measure. Start with the basics and evaluate the learning environment. Did the event meet expectations? Can guests use what they learned? What do guests expect to do differently after attending the event? If they didn’t plan any action, the event was worthless. Measure this immediately after the event.

Step 6: Measure what was learned and how their behavior changed

What did the participants learn? How did their behavior change as a result? In many cases, it is sufficient to simply ask what the guest remembered from the information you conveyed at the event. Did their attitude toward your brand change? Did they create meaningful networks with other participants? Measuring this 2 to 4 months after the event is recommended.

TIP: When measuring your Return on Investment, also consider: the reach on social media, the number of visitors to the website, the use and search for information via an event app, the number of new customers or extra sales and of course the survey. Read here four ways in which you can ask for feedback from your participants.

Step 7: The business impact: ROI

The ultimate business impact is the result of human actions. For consumer events, this often translates into sales. For internal events, for example, it is about cost reduction through greater effectiveness. But whatever event or goal you measure, make sure you find out as much as possible whether the effect is the cause of the event visit. Finally, translate the business impact into euros to finally measure a real ROI: impact in euros – the costs of the event: divided by the costs = your return on event.

VKOZ uses the ROI pyramid methodROI English

With the method of Dr. Elling Hamso you determine the effectiveness of events. This means that we set clear goals in advance for 6 consecutive levels: ROI, impact, behavioral change, cognitive change, (learning) environment and target group. What should your event achieve or bring about at each of these levels? After the event we use the VKOZ measuring stick to measure which results have been achieved at each level. Want to know more? Contact us for a free consultation.

VKOZ focuses on your objectives and thinks from the needs of your visitors.

Want to know more about calculating the ROI of your event or would you like other tips for organizing an event? VKOZ events & communications is happy to think along with you. Call 010-2107961 or send an email with your question to


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enquete, vkoz, review

4 ways to ask feedback to your participants

To test whether you have achieved your event goals and determine the ROI, you can ask for feedback from your participants. With usable feedback, you can optimize your event and ensure a better visitor experience. But what is the best way to collect feedback? Below, you will find 4 ways in which you can ask for feedback from your participants.

Send a survey after the eventdigitale enquete na je event

The most familiar and usable way to ask feedback to your participants is to send a survey by email after the event. You want to hear the opinion of the participants. In a survey you can ask as much and various questions as you want. But how many respondents does this yield? We advise our clients how to create an effective survey which will receive as much as usable answers as possible.  


Using a whiteboardmessage board

If the participants used whiteboards during the event to make notes of the inspiration sessions or you used whiteboards for the registration, than this is a valuable way to collect feedback. For example, you can ask the participants to write down tips and tops. This is a good way to ask feedback because you force your participants to think about their opinion of the event and significantly increase the chance of responses. You can also let your participants spar with each other. Ask them to draw, react to statements or make use of sticky notes. Divers ways to ask for essential feedback!

KlanttevredenheidMake use of keycords

The easiest way to ask for feedback from participants is to vote at the same time as they hand in their keycord. For example, you can put three baskets with smileys on it. A dissatisfied one, a neutral one and a happy one. With this way it is possible that the basket with the happy smiley gets the fullest and you can’t test if you have achieved specific goals. Therefore use this method in combination with another way of asking feedback. For example, ask participants for an extra tip. On this way you collect more feedback!


Get instant feedback during your eventenquete vkoz

The event itself is a great opportunity to get direct feedback while your participants are still in the thick of it. This kind of hands-on research can be done in a number of ways while an event is in full swing. For example, via an event app or QR codes on the big screen at the end of each presentation, which participants can scan to fill out a survey on their own phone. Or have staff with a tablet ask participants face-to-face to fill out a quick survey. If you address your participants personally, they will be more likely to stop and fill out your survey. Another idea is to reward participants with a prize.

Did you achieve your event goals? Calculate your event ROI using these seven steps.


Want to know more about asking feedback on your event? VKOZ events & communications is happy to think along with you. Call 010-2107961 or send an email with your question to


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Ga je het evenement zelf organiseren of uitbesteden

Are you going to organize the event yourself or outsource it?

You can organize an event by yourself with your collegues, or you can outsource the event to an event agency. Both choices have advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of outsourcing

Event agencies have extensive experience and are aware of the latest trends in the industry. An event can be so big or delicate that it is too complicated to organize it by yourself and your team. Outsourcing the event also means that you’re no longer responsible for certain risks. You may not have the necessary know-how or creativity within your company to organize a high-quality event.

An event agency has an objective view on the company and can respond to the strong and less strong points. The employees can have a little bit of ‘business blindness’. An agency is also an ideal sparring partner and a sounding board to test your own ideas. Event agencies have an extensive network in the event industry. They know how to find the right materials and people and can often negotiate better prices. Companies often cannot see the wood for the trees anymore by organizing an event by itself. After all, there are large differences in quality and price between many suppliers.

When own staff members of the company work on the event, they will be given more responsibilities in addition to their own tasks. Keep in mind that they will have less time to perform their daily tasks. With outsourcing, your internal resources remain available for ongoing projects. Working with an event agency also ensures the continuity of the organization (for example in case of illness).

Disadvantages of outsourcing

The event agency does not know your company (yet). They do not know all the possibilities and impossibilities, what your wishes are and what the style of the company is. That is why a good clear briefing is necessary. It is optimal when you can build a long-term relationship with a standard event agency, then this argument will quickly disappear.

Despite the efficient way of working of the event agency, you must take into account the costs of outsourcing the event. An advantage is that you get a clear picture of the total costs of the entire event. With internally organized events, there are many hidden expenses.

For each event, weigh the pros and cons of outsourcing. Take into account the available know-how, the required creativity, timing, budgets and risks. Complex events may be better outsourced to an experienced event partner. In many cases, you will achieve the best results when you combine your own company-specific knowledge with the expertise of a professional event agency.

Want to know more about the pro’s and cons of outsourcing an event or would you like other tips for organizing an event? VKOZ events & communications is happy to think along with you. Call 010-2107961 or send an email with your question to



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Marjolein van Rosmalen

Let’s introduce: Marjolein van Rosmalen – Owner of VKOZ

Everything comes together with VKOZ

“I have been working in the business travel and events industry for over 30 years. I enjoy managing people and work processes. Earlier, I did this as an account manager, supervisor and operations manager.

In 2010 I started with VKOZ events en communicatie.  Everything that I Love comes together: to think along with companies in a strategic way, motivating people, switching quickly and to develop complex projects and creative ideas. 

During the COVID pandemic, we responded very focused to the needs of our customers, that is what I’m most proud of. The events industry was hit hard by the measures, but our course remained stable. We focused on what was possible and ensured that the event always went ahead. That gave our customers confidence.

I spend a lot of time on marketing and communications. I’m very interested about this and I enjoy being creative. We are constantly coming up with something new for ourselves and for our customers. For example, event logos, name badges, flyers and content for social media.

My best ideas arise in the morning, during my morning ritual with a cup of English Tetley tea with milk. Then I easily work out plans and email myself the necessary action points. I couldn’t wish for a better start of the day.”  

Fun fact: I have all of Stephen King’s books on my shelf. There are more than 80.

Collaborate? Nice.

Let’s connect!
Marjolein van Rosmalen | LinkedIn

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Isa Poon

Let’s introduce: Isa Poon – Creative marketer of VKOZ

Freedom to create anything

“I have been working at VKOZ since 2020. I started as an intern and now I am Creative marketer. I come up with content ideas and create them. You can see my work on the social media channels of VKOZ events & communicatie. I also create content for our customers. A few months ago I created a banner and location map voor an event at De Kuip.

I’m always been interested in the event industry. At VKOZ, I learn what you need to take into account when organizing a business event. I love seeing participants enjoying the day of the event.

I get my inspiration from the daily life. Because of my graphic background, I often pay attention to advertisements and beautiful packaging. Social media is a source of inspiration for me, because almost everything I make is digital.

If I could choose, I would like to organize a product release event. I think it would be fun to come up with a campaign for an everyday product, like milk. I would launch this product in a creative way that make people immediately think: Yes, I need that.”

Fun fact: I like to bake jam cookies. These are small butter cookies filled with jam.

Collaborate? Nice.

Let’s connect!
Isa poon | LinkedIn

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Sanne Dits

Let’s introduce: Sanne Dits – Project and event manager at VKOZ

Everything will be fine, that’s my motto

“Since 2023, I’m working as a project- and eventmanager at VKOZ. I love to organize an event, keep an overview and come up with solutions.

During my Creative Business Administration studies, I completed an internship of half a year at VKOZ. I discovered that organizing events suits me.  I also wrote a lot and was responsible for updating the website with WordPress. I translated the website into English and wrote and published event cases.

I stayed after my internship and now I work for VKOZ four days a week. As projectmanager, I have a lot of contact with clients, I work on marketing and communication and I’m responsible for the organizations of events. Being a cold fish can be an asset. I don’t get stressed easily.  If there is a problem that needs to be solved, I want to take care of it right away. Everything will be fine, that’s my motto.

I’m proud of my growth since I started at VKOZ. Marjolein is honest, transparant and teaches me a lot. For example, how to make a project plan and how to quickly switch at an event itself. I hope to organize many more events in the future.

Fun fact: My dream is to organize a concerttour for Beyoncé. That would be big, bigger, biggest.

Collaborate? Nice.

Let’s connect!
Sanne Dits | LinkedIn

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ICMM roadtrip

VKOZ visits the museums of the ICMM congress

For our client ICMM, the multi-day congress will take place from 15 to 21 September 2024. We are busy preparing for this, and that also includes site visits. Since the participants will be visiting different museums spread over the days, we did this too. Sanne went on a road trip to all the museums!

The Zuiderzeemuseum Zuiderzeemuseum

The road trip started in Enkhuizen, at the Zuiderzeemuseum. A long drive from Rotterdam: almost two hours. It was all worth it. The Zuiderzeemuseum is not a museum as you would expect. It has an extensive outdoor museum with all the houses as they used to look. The volunteers take on a role and tell how things used to be. You can also get on a boat and do all kinds of activities. Something for everyone!

We were given a tour of the outdoor museum and visited the rooms where the participants will follow the workshops. After this we discussed all the parts of the day program and the long drive back to Rotterdam awaited us. It was all worth it.

Museum aan de Stroom Openingsuren & bereikbaarheid | MAS | Museum aan de Stroom

The next day we visited our southern neighbours. This time we went to the Museum aan de Stroom in Antwerp. It was nice to see that this is a completely different museum. It is built high up and is divided into several smaller museums. A number of these are free to visit and for most of them you pay an entrance fee. The museums are divided into various subjects and there are all kinds of works of art that have to do with this. In the museum you also have access to a beautiful panoramic view of Antwerp.

Here too we were given a tour of, among other things, the catering areas and we also discussed the day’s programme and other logistical matters. We visited the museums and enjoyed the beautifully designed and furnished building.

Het Scheepvaartmuseum Over ons | Het Scheepvaartmuseum

A week later we continued our road trip to Amsterdam. We had agreed to meet at Het Scheepvaartmuseum. This museum is completely surrounded by water and is focused on ships. On the platform at the back you can also visit a ship. This museum is divided into wind directions and in each wing there are museums. You will find original attributes that were used on ships in the past and there are various other works of art to admire.

The participants will be in Amsterdam for two days. We therefore had a few things to discuss for these days. We mainly talked about the AV, we were able to see the rooms and discussed the plenary parts of the program. Another useful day and certainly nice to have visited the museum!

Maritime Museum Rotterdam Museumhaven - Maritiem Museum Rotterdam

We had visited the Maritime Museum several times before and so we already know it a bit. There are many outdoor activities to do in the Maritime Museum. It is a spacious museum with various sights. There are also many ships and there are workshops that can also be visited. It is also very nice to view the museum from the water. This can be done with a tour or from the water taxi that departs from the back. A diverse museum with a lot to do.

We have had a few meetings here and have already seen the museum from the outside and inside. With the various possibilities and large reception hall, we can see how it will look during the conference days. The first days will take place in Rotterdam and we expect it to be a good kick-off.

Want to know more about our client ICMM or do you want other tips for organizing an event? VKOZ events & communication is happy to think along with you. Call 010-2107961 or send an email with your (request) to

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pegasus events

Pegasus Events as Your DMC Rotterdam

Pegasus Events organizes team building activities in Rotterdam. As a DMC, they help you with all the local knowledge needed to make your event one to remember. In this blog you can read what Your DMC Rotterdam entails and how your wishes can be fulfilled.

Activities in the City Center

Meet the team of Your DMC Rotterdam. They are a diverse group of individuals with different backgrounds and skills, but one thing unites them: their passion for creating unforgettable experiences in our city Rotterdam.

Whether it’s an incentive, business jubilee, or rewarding your employees, they translate your wishes into surprising programs with the vibrant city of Rotterdam as your decor. Their goal is to give your guests a great experience and put a smile on their face with events to remember as long as possible.

Why Rotterdam?

As local enthousiasts, they are welcoming guests from all over the world to our authentic city for 20 years now. They love to talk about all the possibilities the city and it’s surroundings has to offer. To show it’s architecture, harbor, great food and friendly locals. You could say we’re Rotterdam ambassadors!

Welcome to Rotterdam.


– Pegasus Events |

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Verhuisd naar het industriegebouw

We have moved to Het Industriegebouw!

We started the new year with a fresh start in our new office. We have brewed many creative events in the Heineken Building Rotterdam in recent years. Now it’s time for a change. We are making a new start in Het Industriegebouw!

After five years of being located in the Heineken Building, which was actually a temporary office, we moved from one national monument to another in Rotterdam. Het Industriegebouw offers many possibilities for VKOZ. As the only event agency among the tenants, great collaborations may arise. Stay tuned to learn more about our neighbors!

We have made a lot of progress. Our unit itself is not much bigger, but a lot nicer. A lot of time and love has been put into the design and we hope to become even more creative! The windows offer an open feeling and therefore more interaction with our neighbors. The collective building also offers calling and meeting rooms where we can retreat. In the Maaskantine on our floor we have a ping-pong table and there is more than enough opportunity to get something to eat or drink. In addition to work, there is plenty of room for relaxation!

Although it is only a fifteen minute walk from our old office, we are closer to the city center. A bit busier, but we like the bustle. In any case, we are really looking forward to brainstorming in our new office and building our network!

Would you like to come by and admire our new office?

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creatieve ideeën

13 creative components as part of your business event

A business event is no longer the same as it used to be. The main goal of your business event could be: sharing knowledge, networking, looking back and ahead or celebrate successes. These goals can be reached with creative components as part of your business event. For an attractive event, there are multiple creative possibilities for your next event. Read 13 ideas to add to your event.

Interactive food stations
How cool is it to place several interactive and/or do-it-yourself stalls for food and drinks throughout the location of your event. From a customizable bar for champagne and cocktails, a fruit stand to create your own smoothies, to a gigantic wall of donuts. There are many creative ways to offer food and drinks to your participants in a surprising way.

People have been crazy about taking photos in photo booths since 1925 and that hasn’t changed in the past 98 years. What has changed? The technology that makes these photo booths possible. Today’s photo booths give your visitors the ability to easily take photos, videos or GIFs and share the images directly via social media accounts. You can also make the setting as creative as you want.

Make-your-own-goodies stall
Everyone loves free stuff, but this only applies to the things we really want. Most giveaways given out during events end up in the trash can because they are not useful. A goodie stall with cool items that participants can make their own will certainly ensure that your visitors go home with something they will keep.

A little competition in a fun atmosphere can take your business event to a new level. Consider, for example, a treasure hunt, caption contest or pub quiz with questions about your event.

A comedian
Make sure you hire a comedian who specializes in corporate performances. This will most likely result in slightly more appropriate language and jokes about business-related topics and situations that your visitors will recognize.

A magician
Thanks to artists like the Dutch Hans Klok, magicians and illusionists have grown from birthday party entertainers to professional performers. A good magician can make a big impact on your event. If you have an international audience, chances are this will go down well with everyone.

Circus performance
Thanks to circus performances such as Cirque du Soleil that have turned circus as an art into an immersive experience, circus acts, like magic tricks, have undergone an image change. Add some of this mystique to your own event by hiring contortionists and acrobats.

A caricaturist
Caricaturists are a guarantee of success at any event, but you can go one step further by choosing an artist who uses the latest technology. For example, hire a caricaturist who uses a tablet to create drawings and projects them onto large screens in real time during your event.

A graffiti artist
It’s quite impressive to see a large work of art. If you have the space, consider hiring a graffiti artist to create a mural during your event. In the form of 3D street art on the ground, you can also use this, for example, to make the entrance to your event more interesting.

Cover band
If the visitors to your business event are largely in the same age group, then a cover band is always a good idea. Your attendees will love hearing their favorite songs from the good old days and because the performance is live, the room will be full of energy.

You can also create a casino with gaming tables, slot machines and professional dealers. This is a simple way to provide entertainment for your visitors. It is best to choose to rent these items instead of arranging everything yourself.

At a singalong there are 2 pianos on stage, both played by professionals who sing and entertain. This idea requires a lot of space, but it can be very successful if done right. The advantage of this entertainment is that you can also transform it into a stylish form of karaoke.

Artists with fire
Whether it is a fire eater, a dancer or a juggler, fire eaters can add spectacle and sensation to your event. And these performances provide a great opportunity for beautiful photos. The photos of this performance will guaranteed be shared via social media. So make sure that the #hashtag of your event is clearly displayed everywhere. Please check in advance with your location whether you can and may arrange this type of entertainment.

Want to know more about creative components or would you like other tips for organizing an event? VKOZ events & communications is happy to think along with you. Call 010-2107961 or send an email with your question to

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Rotterdam evenementenlocaties

Unique and inspiring event venues (part 3)

In addition to the unique and inspiring event locations that we have discussed in part 1 and 2 of this series, we have recently been able to visit a number of beautiful event locations. Below you will find an overview of locations where we have been able to organize an event or would like to!

Schielandshuis RotterdamSchielandshuis
In the middle of the city center is the Schielandshuis established. De beautiful details on the outside can also be seen on the inside. More than 350 years ago, the building of the property is finished. Perfect for organizing a smaller event: during a meeting or presentation there is room for a maximum of 34 persons and for a reception there is room for a maximum of 50 persons.


De Kuip rotterdamDe Kuip
Did you know that De Kuip is not only a football stadium, but also an event location? Besides concerts and other music events, there can be organized business events. We already organized various events at De Kuip! In the Maasgebouw, there is a possibility to use the rooms as break-out sessions for inspiration sessions or workshops.


Inntel RotterdamInntel/Mainport
The Inntel has a lot of possibilities for a diversity of events. You can marry in the Inntel, but also organize business events. The unique location, in the city center and at the foot of the Erasmusbrug, makes the Inntel a suitable location. The location features enough parking facilities and public transportation nearby. In the panorama rooms on the 16th and 17th floor, with a capacity of 450 persons, you have a wonderful view over the Skyline of Rotterdam.
With the attached Mainport five-star hotel, there is enough space to allow guests to stay overnight at a -multiday event. De locations combined have a total capacity of 800 persons.

Heineken Building
The Heineken Building is the location where our office is located and where we brew our concepts. Did you know that events can also be organized here? For example, we organized the event for The Week of the Services on June 19, 2023. If you are curious, you can read the eventcase here. The meeting rooms can be used as break-out rooms and the largest room can be used as a plenary room. The national monument is a wonderful addition to your event and is centrally located in the city center.


Are you organising an event soon? VKOZ puts your goals first ánd thinks from the needs of your visitors. And finds the suitable location for your event! Contact VKOZ via 

This blog is part of a series. Check out our first blog and second blog with more unique and inspiring event venues.

Sanne Dits

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Rotterdam als congresstad

Unique and inspiring event venues in Rotterdam (part 2)

Last time we visited during our first location tour five inspiring event locations in Rotterdam: Kunsthal, Euromast, Wereldmuseum, ss Rotterdam and Hotel New York. This time we again visited five unique locations. Rotterdam has profile herself more strongly as an international congress destination and continues to rise in the world ranking of congress cities. We know why!

BlueCity in RotterdamBlueCity
BlueCity is, literally, a swimming pool full of possibilities. BlueCity is established in former Tropicana, a subtropical swimming paradise where entrepreneurs full of enthusiasm heading for an economy where one entrepreneur’s output is another’s input. In the midst of those pioneers, they offer various inspiring event spaces, workshops and tours. BlueCity is located at the Maas, near the city centre and Blaak station, with a brilliant view. With in total 12.000 square meters, BlueCity is very suitable for meetings and congresses, with separate rooms for break-out sessions. The unique view and the story make BlueCity the place for out of the box events.

bedrijfsfestival aan het waterRDM Events
With a various choice in rooms and halls, RDM Events offers an inspiring location for numerous business, cultural and other public events. In the multifunctional rooms of the RDM Congress centre and the RDM Onderzeebootloods meetings can take place, varying from 5 till 5.000 visitors. The combination of history and harbor, industry and innovation offers plenty of inspiration for various events. From workshops, meetings, fairs an congresses to festivals and exhibitions. The halls and rooms in the RDM Congress centre are provided with modern facilities without losing the authentic realm. Besides, the newly renovated RDM Onderzeebootloods has a raw and industrial character, which you can customize to your liking.

Cruise Terminal RotterdamCruise Terminal Rotterdam
The Cruise Terminal, located on the Wilhelminapier, used to serve as the arrival and departure hall of the Holland-America Line and is industrial heritage. The Cruise Terminal is still used by large passenger ships when they visit Rotterdam. Besides, it is a unique event location for parties, fairs and congresses. With a panoramic view and impressive architecture, it is the ideal Rotterdam decor for a successful event. The location is excellently reachable with all sorts of transport, is on walking distance from the bustling shoppingcenter and has two of the best Rotterdam 4-star hotels as neighbors.

evenementenlocatie Van Nelle RotterdamVan Nelle Fabriek
The Van Nelle Fabriek (1930) is seen as the most leading building from the movement ‘the New Building’. Since 1983 the factory is a national monument. In 2000, after the departure of the company Van Nelle, the complex is completely redeveloped, without losing her allure. Where before coffee, tea en tobacco were incorporated, are now businesses established who engage themselves with communication, design, architecture and media. More than 10.000 square meters is in use for business events, fairs, meetings and congresses. In total there are 12 different rooms available for events. And that makes the location suitable for meetings from 2 till 5.000 visitors.

Ahoy RotterdamRotterdam Ahoy
Rotterdam Ahoy is one of the largest indoor event halls from the Netherlands and an accommodation for fairs, events, concerts, congresses and meetings. Recently, in the end of 2020, Rotterdam Ahoy expanded with their Convention Centre. The convention centre has a unique hall, the RTM Stage, which can be used as an auditorium and concert hall. On the third and fourth flour are located 35 break out rooms, which can be used separate or together. With this convention centre, a new entrance has emerged.

Check out the beautiful promotion video from Ahoy and congress city Rotterdam:

Are you organising an event soon? VKOZ puts your goals first ánd thinks from the needs of your visitors. And finds the suitable location for your event! Contact VKOZ via 

This blog is part of a series. Check out our first blog with more unique and inspiring event venues.

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VKOZ brainstorming session

In need of advice? VKOZ offers free (online) brainstorming sessions!

VKOZ has been happy to share its knowledge, tips and inspiration for years. We would like to share this on our social media channels, in blogs and on the events page on our website. We still offer our free brewstorm session too. This consult can give you the following.

When and how do you start preparing your event? Or which extras do you want to use at your event? For extra inspiration, creativity and fresh insights, VKOZ offers free brewstorm sessions. Online, at your office or at our office.

In a brewstorm session we take the time to find out as much as possible about your event, organization and challenges. We ask questions, think along and come up with fresh and surprising ideas. Then we make a clear report of the brewstorm session.

In addition to thinking along , we also help you with, for example, the following questions
• What type of event suits my objectives and target groups and how do I achieve the maximum result?
• How do I translate different ideas (and stakeholders) within my organisation into a concrete plan for everyone?
• What style, theme or storyline do I want for the event and what kind of furnishing, decoration and catering are part of that?
• How do I ensure maximum interaction with my target group before, during and after the event?
• Can we increase the impact and ROI of our current event?

Creative solutions, simple changes or just extremely crazy ideas will turn your next event into an unforgettable moment!

Tips for a successful brainstorming session
• Bring 2 to 4 enthusiastic employees together via eg Skype
• Collect as many diverse ideas as possible
• Do not criticize ideas during the brainstorming session
• Encourage the craziest ideas, they inspire others
• A brainstorm can therefore be quite chaotic, but that is part of the process
• And most important: think outside the box!

Want to know more or would you like other tips for organizing an event? VKOZ events & communications is happy to think along with you. Call 010-2107961 or send an email with your question to

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Evenementenlocaties in Rotterdam

Unique and inspiring event venues in Rotterdam

Rotterdam is a city with a distinct character, energetic and never the same. Rotterdam and Rotterdammers do not shy away from the experiment, but rather look for it. Just as the Nieuwe Maas is a strong symbol for constant movement. A city where the Make It Happen mentality is tangible and visible. With parties that choose Rotterdam and give their own interpretation to the Rotterdam mentality and “can do” spirit. Whether you are a resident, visitor or entrepreneur: Rotterdam. Make It Happen.

As an event and conference city, Rotterdam has an enormous diversity of locations. Perhaps most striking: the large number of unconventional locations.

Kunsthal Rotterdam

The iconic building, designed by the renowned architect Rem Koolhaas, offers seven different exhibition halls, a characteristic Auditorium and an atmospheric Kunsthal café. You can go to the Auditorium for your presentation, conference, film screening, fashion show or music performance. You can go to the Kunsthal café for dinner, drinks or company parties. With art in and around the café and a spacious (roof) terrace, the Kunsthal café has its own unique atmosphere. Of course you can combine the event with a visit to the exhibitions. You can choose to offer your guests a guided tour of the exhibitions or a visit on their own. This visit can take place both inside and outside the fixed opening hours. Due to the varied exhibition offer, a visit to the Kunsthal is always surprising.

The Euromast is the icon of Rotterdam where you can eat, drink, sleep, party, abseil and of course enjoy the best view of the city! The Euromast is perfect for an inspiring meeting for any type of event from 3 to 350 people. For example, you can organise a meeting for a half day or for the whole day. And supplement this with a ride in the Euroscoop, abseil, zip wire or a tour led by a professional guide. The Euromast Brasserie has four rooms; Daybreak, Sunset, Noon and Dusk. These rooms can be hired individually or in combination. In addition, it is even possible to rent the Euromast exclusively for (company) parties of up to 350 people.

The Wereldmuseum is located in a classic and stylish building in the center of the city and is located directly on the Maas. The Wereldmuseum has several rooms, each with a unique atmosphere and appearance. The fairytale Ballroom, the intimate Van Rijckevorsel Hall and the fabulous Salon are ideal for unforgettable receptions, dinners, meetings, congresses or company parties. You can also combine your event with a visit to the museum. The Wereldmuseum is a location full of charm and an enchanting ambiance. With all facilities, every possible room layout and renowned catering the location for any event in a beautiful location on the Maas.

ss Rotterdamss Rotterdam
As a former flagship of the Holland America Line and cruise ship, the ss Rotterdam has sailed many seas. Discover the many stories of La Grande Dame and experience the authentic atmosphere during an inspiring conference, meeting, reception or company party. You can also combine your event with a tour by ship or an overnight stay in one of the 254 hotel rooms. The ss Rotterdam has 12 different authentic rooms and 29 meeting rooms for meetings. They all have their own story. Business or festive, for 10 to a maximum of 3,500 people, you can fulfill your wishes and those of your guests on the ship.


Hotel New YorkHotel New YorkHotel New York is located in the beautiful former headquarters of the Holland America Line. This is the place where thousands of emigrants used to go to North America, hoping for a better life. Nowadays, guests come here to stay, eat, drink and do business in a special atmosphere. Hotel New York is the ideal place to meet with your company, give a presentation, brainstorm or give a workshop. The high ceilings, daylight, the colorful and nostalgic design of the rooms and the location at the head of the Wilhelminapier ensure that Hotel New York is an inspiring environment for doing business.

Are you organising an event soon? VKOZ puts your goals first ánd thinks from the needs of your visitors. And finds the suitable location for your event! Contact VKOZ via 

This blog is part of a series. Check out our second blog with more unique and inspiring event venues.

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secret of VKOZ

Discover the secret of VKOZ

VKOZ is an event agency from Rotterdam. We are experienced in organising business events and all communication around it. You can choose a total approach or the services based on your needs. By communicating with our customers in a transparent manner, we create trust. We pay a lot of attention to the details. Everyone can expect that the main lines of the event are good, but it is the small things that make the wow.

Timeline VKOZ in Rotterdam

The timeline
VKOZ was founded in 2010 by Marjolein van Rosmalen. After a career of 15 years in the business travel and events industry, it was time for a new challenge. The name VKOZ stood for: Female View on Business. Female organisational advice for male entrepreneurs. VKOZ started as a management and organisation consultancy. In the years that followed VKOZ also received more and more marketing and communication projects.

Two years later, requests were added for organising sports, cultural and public events. In these years Marjolein learned a lot about other facets of the event industry such as production, permits, safety and sponsorship.

After five years, Marjolein worked on so many different projects that it was time to move in one direction. Marjolein knew deep down that organising business events gave her the most energy. That is why a new website was launched in 2017 with the new logo: VKOZ events & communication. Due to the many recurring clients, VKOZ increasingly evolved into a company with a nice office and co-workers and  Marjolein also offered internships to share her knowledge and passion. Now, in 2020, VKOZ’s expertise is organising business events and also helps as a Professional Conference Organiser foreign organisations with organising their events in Rotterdam. Read more about VKOZ as PCO in Rotterdam here.

process of VKOZThe approach
Due to Marjolein’s 15 years of work experience at large international organisations, VKOZ has a professional working method. We think along with the strategy and goals of the event. An event is an investment and we therefore always try to think about what the event will ultimately yield. We would like to show our added value. A personal goal is to earn ourselves back.

Everyone can expect that the great lines of an event are good,
but it’s the little things that make the wow.

Due to the small, close-knit team, VKOZ has a lot of flexibility. We work transparently. With us you can choose a total approach or the services based on your needs: concept development, project management, communication and / or production. We make a clear project plan and share this with the client during the process, which gives confidence. This allows the client to see exactly what is being done and in which steps. An event consists of many different parts. By breaking it into steps, we provide the overview. We start with the basics. In the end, we pay a lot of attention to the details.

partners VKOZOur partners
Every client has a different organisational culture. We have built up a wide network over the years. We can choose exactly those partners that best suits the client. If you do business with VKOZ, you use a very large  network with the same down to earth Rotterdam mentality. We are very involved ourselves, so we expect this also from our partners: reliable, hard workers who work with their own pride and passion for their work.

Authenticity is one of the first lessons Marjolein learned as an entrepreneur. It is best to be yourself, so you automatically attract customers, co-workers and partners who match your standards and values. We see the event itself as the icing on the cake. It is very important to us to invest a lot of time in the different relationships. We are in constant contact with the people. The result is that everybody is  happy and full of passion on the day of the event. For an unforgettable event.

Want to know more or would you like other tips for organizing an event? VKOZ events & communicatie is happy to think along with you. Call 010-2107961 or send an email with your question to

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