Hoe organiseer je een duurzaam event?

How to organize a sustainable event?

Organizing an event in a sustainable way creates a lot of positivity. Participants and stakeholders who value corporate social responsibility will become interested when you separate yourself in this way. But how do you organize such a sustainable event? Because there is more to it than just recycling your waste.

To create a positive impact, take social, ecological and economic aspects into account. To reduce the negative environmental impact, you can reduce your carbon footprint by, for example, using renewable energy sources, selecting sustainable suppliers and implementing eco-friendly practices during the event.

From sustainable to circular
You can also delve into organizing a circular event, where you minimize waste and maximize the use of reusable materials. For example, think of separating different waste streams and encouraging reuse and recycling. This involves choosing suppliers who supply sustainable products.

Choosing an event location
You can take many sustainability aspects into account when choosing a location. For example, consider accessibility: a location close to a train or metro station encourages visitors to come by public transport. Even better is a location that visitors can cycle or walk to. In that case, also provide a bicycle shed. It is important to communicate the route and location of the bicycle shed well, to prevent counterarguments to come by bike. You can also suggest carpooling or using shuttle buses.

Choose a location that collaborates with sustainable partners, for example in technology or catering. Also, a location that uses energy-efficient lighting and saves water is a sustainable option to choose. There are locations with a green certification. These locations have demonstrated that they plan, manage and execute events in a sustainable way. An example of this is verification LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).

Reduce waste
Catering is a major part of making your event more sustainable. By minimizing waste and donating leftover food to charity, you contribute to the sustainability of your event. You can also choose a local location, which will limit transportation and allow you to choose local and organic products. Also encourage guests to separate waste. Provide sufficient waste bins and consider the option of using reusable tableware and cutlery.

Of course, an event isn’t complete without beautifull and oppropiate decorations. Do you know… that you can also take sustainability into account here? You can choose for recycled paper and biodegradable materials, such as eco-balloons!

Digital possibilities
Cliche, but very important: reduce paper usage. Make use of an event app. We have also managed to convince our regular customer CIS of this. For the first time in 2017 for their annual Forum; that year in Edinburgh. With over 800 visitors we have managed to reduce the amount of waste. Be open about the sustainable measures that are being taken. Then the participants know how they can contribute. This helps to raise awareness. After the event, don’t forget to make the impact of your sustainable initiatives known. This can only be positive for the image of your company or event!

Corporate Social Responsibility
Nowadays, corporate social responsibility is also becoming increasingly important. You can contribute to this by donating part of the proceeds of the event to a sustainable initiative.

With these most important components, you ensure a sustainable event. It takes some (thought) work, but it is definitely worth it. There are also various checklists that help you make your event even more sustainable. Every choice for a sustainable option makes a big impact.

Want to know more about organizing a sustainable event or would you like other tips for organizing an event? VKOZ events & communications is happy to think along with you. Call 010-2107961 or send an email with your question to info@vkoz.nl.

Source: aanmelder.nl en greenbookings.nl


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